A end-to-end, turn-key system that takes the hardships of learning mastering to processing your audiobooks with ease. 

Imagine this...


Days from now your audiobook can go from sounding weak, muddy or tinny, and like they’re always “missing” something…

To clear, full of presence and depth and with the same “wow” factor that you hear from all the audiobooks you love listening to.

What if you had a complete follow-along system that would help get the sound and standards needed?

Then you be able to deliver pro-quality audiobooks faster, so you could focus on narrating more and processing less.

And, feel confident, proud, and satisfied with the quality of your work.


See what my students have to say...


Shannon R.

"This course was AMAZING!!!"

This is an absolutely fantastic course. It demystifies the mastering process and is presented in easily digestible segments. Clean, clear visuals that were easy to follow.

Truly a FANTASTIC video course. It is hard to balance instruction, visuals, & engaged tutorials and you have managed ALL of this with a laid back manner that is very friendly & generous of spirit"

Bill S.

"I think the course is awesome!"

It's comprehensive, clear, sequential, and built on a logical process of decision making. I think people will like it and gain a lot from it

This system will transform the quality of your audiobooks…


This system flat-out works. Even if…

  • There’s always something “missing” when you compare your audiobooks to publishers.
  • You’re completely self taught, have giant holes in your knowledge / understanding and you feel like you’re way behind everyone else.
  • Your audiobooks lack presence, clarity, solid low end, and that “wow factor” they need to stand out.
  • You’ve hit a wall after following YouTube tutorials for a while… and there’s too much information in too many different places for you to keep track of it all.
  • Processing takes way too long to understand, so you just call it “good enough” because you overthink it.
  • You’re overwhelmed with self-doubt and you feel crushed when you compare your processing to other narrators on ACX.


Total Audiobook Mastering

Your Ultimate Guide to Mastering and Processing Audiobooks.

Total Audiobook Mastering is a comprehensive online course designed specifically for narrators like you. 

A proven system that will revolutionize your audiobook production process. Say goodbye to time-consuming tasks and hello to a streamlined workflow that allows you to focus on what you do best – narrating captivating stories!

Discover your potential, starting today

See what other say about working with me ...


mas·ter·ing (noun):


Mastering is the final stage of audio production—the process of putting the finishing touches in audio by enhancing the overall sound.


What can you expect from Total Audiobook Mastering?


1. Efficient Workflow Mastery: Learn a step-by-step system that optimizes your audiobook production workflow. Discover techniques to streamline your process, saving you precious time and energy.


2. Expert-Level Mastering Techniques: Unlock the secrets of professional audiobook mastering. Gain insights into the best practices used by industry experts, and apply them to your own projects to achieve top-notch audio quality.


3. Advanced Processing Strategies: Dive deep into advanced processing techniques tailored specifically for audiobooks. Enhance your narration with targeted EQ, compression, and noise reduction methods that will bring your recordings to life.


4. Practical Hands-on Exercises: Put your newfound knowledge into practice with hands-on exercises designed to reinforce your skills. Gain confidence as you apply the techniques learned throughout the course and receive valuable feedback on your progress.


By enrolling in Total Audiobook Mastering, you're investing in your future as a narrator. Join a course of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to honing their skills and achieving audio excellence. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced self-producing narrator, this course will take your abilities to the next level.

Don't let time-consuming processing tasks hold you back. Unlock the power of Total Audiobook Mastering and free yourself to focus on what truly matters – narrating more and processing less.

Get access to all of this for only one easy payment


Click the button to get to join and start instantly!

What You're Getting...

Lifetime access to Total Audiobook Mastering 18 core videos ($1000 Value)

Course walkthroughs with 7 different DAWs, showing how you can apply Total Audiobook Mastering in the software you're using. 

These walkthroughs are the audiobook industries top leading software choices, which include:

BONUS: Clicks and Tricks - Izotope RX Mouth Declick ($150 Value)

A walk-through of my go-to settings for all 6000+ audiobooks I’ve worked on, when it’s needed.

BONUS: Silencing Sighs - Taming Breath Noise ($50 Value)

Maintain a seamless listening experience, while addressing concerns of the author or rights-holder regarding breath noise

BONUS: Audiobook Mastering Starter Templates ($150 Value)

Downloadable starter templates, pre-loaded with processing to get your started and adjust as you need. Including Adobe Audition, Reaper, Audacity & more.

BONUS: 13 Downloadable Guides  ($50 Value)

Downloaded guides to help you elevate your audiobook processing skills. Plus, downloadable guides for studio gear and decoding audio terminology. 



Want more? Grab the Companion Course

“Getting Cast” - Guide to Casting Directors ($300 value)

A recording and document from the actual words of a combined 25-year veteran audiobook casting team. Learn what casting directors look for when hiring narrators.


Audiobook Acting Coach Guide ($100 value)

A go-to guide for beginners looking to hire an audiobook acting coach. Or if you’re looking an actor looking for a refresher. The coaches in this guide have years of experience.


Big EQ Moves ($100 value)

A look at how making big, unconventional EQ moves can actually help your sound, if you’re recording in a not-so-nice environment.


Decoding the Sonic Spectrum ($100 value)

Learn advanced EQ techniques. How each EQ frequency band sounds and what to listen for when you’re making any cutting or boosting for the frequencies in your voice.


Custom Processing Review ($400 value)

Receive a 20-minute video from me, reviewing your audiobook processing. Let me help you figure out your pain-points and how to address them. 

Who This Course Is For…


1. Aspiring Audiobook Narrators: If you have a passion for storytelling and want to explore the field of audiobook narration, this course will provide you with essential knowledge and techniques to create professional-quality audio recordings.

2. New Audiobook Narrators: If you have recently started your journey as an audiobook narrator and want to improve the overall audio quality of your recordings, this course will equip you with the necessary skills to master and process your narrations effectively.

3. Voice Actors and Performers: If you are already experienced in voice acting or performance but wish to transition into the world of audiobook narration, this course will help you understand the specific requirements and techniques associated with mastering and processing audio for audiobooks.

4. Independent Authors and Publishers: If you are an independent author or publisher seeking to produce high-quality audiobooks, this course will empower you to understand the post-production process, enabling you to communicate effectively with narrators and ensure a polished final product.

5. Audio Engineers and Producers: If you work in the audio industry and want to expand your expertise to include audiobook production, this course will provide you with the necessary insights and techniques for mastering and processing audio tailored specifically to the requirements of audiobooks.

No matter your background or experience level, this course offers a comprehensive understanding of mastering and processing techniques for audiobook narrators, empowering you to create professional-grade audio recordings and captivate your listeners with exceptional quality and clarity.



The best part it’s completely risk free...


I’ve packed a lot into Total Audiobook Mastering because not only do I want you to feel confident when you’re processing your audiobooks but I want to guarantee that you don’t fail.

And to make it a no-brainer deal for you I’m giving you a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of Total Audiobook Mastering today.

That’s right: Go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work, and if you don’t love it in the first 30 days of your purchase, send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

If Total Audiobook Mastering doesn’t work for you, I’d much prefer for you to take your money and invest it where you will be happier and get results. I just want you to unlock your audiobook potential!


The choice is yours...

Pick the standard course or add the companion course for more in-depth training!

P.S. Don’t forget that when you join Total Audiobook Mastering you are joining risk-free. You have an entire 30 days to watch the course, implement the strategies in your own workflow, and take action on all that you learned and THEN decide if it’s right for you.

P.P.S. Trust me when I say, once you’ve learned the proven steps to master processing your audiobooks you’ll never want to go back!

I know what it’s like to be scared to try something new - something that might fail. 

The beauty of Total Audiobook Mastering is that you can get my complete proven system, learned from a decade of experience, and skip all of the pain and mistakes that I made - and you can do it on the auditions you submit and the books you land!

It couldn’t be easier or more convenient!

Do your future self a favor and be brave. Invest in yourself, get the training that is guaranteed and proven, and speed up your workflow, so you can focus on narrating and not processing.

Your authors and rights-holders will love what you do to their books!

See you on the inside...

Join Today!